Member policies

Acting in the best interest of the Plan and its members

Governance policies and guidelines

The CAAT Pension Plan is an independent, multi-employer Registered Pension Plan. By law the Plan must act in the best interest of the Plan and its members. Plan governors and staff abide by a number of important governance policies and guidelines. A few policies may be of use to members are outlined below.

CAAT Pension Plan Text

CAAT Pension Plan Text (current)

Restated as of January 1, 2018 and consolidated to September 26, 2024.

Current Plan Text (PDF)
CAAT Pension
Plan Text (edits)

Read the blacklined version of the CAAT Pension's Plan Text.

 Blacklined Plan Text (PDF)


Privacy Statement

How we protect the confidentiality of your personal information. Visit the Privacy page.

Accessible Service Plan

How the Plan ensures accessibility for all stakeholders. Visit the Accessible Service Plan page.

Review and Appeal Policy

The processes for reviewing interpretations of the provisions of the CAAT Pension Plan and resolving disputes and appeals on the part of individuals concerning their entitlements.