Ambassador Toolkit | CAAT Pension

We want change. We want

#PensionsforEveryone is a movement

Defined benefit (DB) pensions are the easiest and most secure way to save for retirement. A DB plan means predictable monthly income that you can rely on for as long as you live. 

But only 26% of Canadians have a DB pension.

With your help, CAAT is working to bring #PensionsforEveryone.

Help spread awareness with our Plan Ambassador checklist

  • Repost CAAT’s content on social media with the #PensionsforEveryone hashtag
  • Forward a Plan Ambassador email to a colleague
  • Share this page with friends
  • Encourage others to join as a Plan Ambassador
  • Implement Plan Ambassador content into your workplace onboarding material
  • Wear your Pensions for Everyone
  • Talk to your friends about the impact a DB pension can make

Talk finance with your friends

Be prepared no matter where the conversation about retirement goes.

Why should I care about a pension now; I just entered the workforce?

The sooner you start, the more you’ll have at retirement. It’s never too early to start thinking about your future, and that includes retirement planning. As you’re building your career, a Defined Benefit (DB) pension like CAAT’s quietly sets the stage for a secure income stream in retirement. You can focus on your savings needs now, and your pension will be there for you when you retire.


What’s the deal with the contributions I have to make?

More savings. No extra work. Your contributions are automatically deducted from your paycheque – and your employer also contributes on your behalf with every pay. This means that there’s no additional work for you - you have one less thing to worry about. Plus, you enjoy immediate tax savings on your contributions. The pension contributions you make are deducted from your gross income, which lowers your overall taxable income for the year.

Why is the #pensionsforeveryone message so important?

Hard work should pay off. For so long, many hardworking Canadians haven’t had the opportunity to build reliable retirement income while they worked. That makes it hard to retire confidently - or even at all! It shouldn’t be like this. The #pensionsforeveryone message helps spread the word that all Canadians deserve secure income in retirement. At CAAT, we think that the best way to achieve this is by expanding DB pension access to everyone.

Why should I become a Plan Ambassador – doesn’t this just benefit CAAT?

By spreading our message, you’re helping a greater cause. We think all Canadians should have access to a secure workplace pension, and Plan Ambassadors can help. Helping more Canadians hear the #pensionsforeveryone message and how CAAT is working to expand access to DB pensions is good for everyone.

I’m just one person – how can I help affect change?

Your voice, combined with others, makes a difference. Plan Ambassadors are a collective force advocating for the value of DB pensions that influences public perception and policy discussions. Together, our collective efforts amplify the importance of DB pensions, ensuring that policymakers, employers, and the public understand the positive impact DB plans have on retirement security. When you get involved, you make a difference: you can help shape the important national conversation about the long-term benefits of DB pensions for individuals and society as a whole.

A DB pension is expensive and rigid – why is it worth it?

A DB pension unlocks a secure and sustainable source of retirement income. In a DB pension, you contribute, and your employer contributes at least as much as you – helping you build your pension. If you had to go it alone and DIY your retirement, you'd be responsible for fully funding your own retirement and would be impacted by market fluctuations over time.

Pension plans are carefully regulated and structured to protect members and ensure that members get the benefits promised. When you’re ready to retire, you’ll receive a monthly pension payment for life, so you don’t have to worry about market fluctuations or outliving your savings.

Why can’t I access the ‘whole pot’ of my contributions when I retire?

DB pensions last a lifetime. Allowing members to access the entire pot at retirement would be contrary to a pension’s primary purpose – that is, to provide benefits throughout your retirement. That’s because the design of a DB pension is based on a formula that provides members a secure and predictable monthly pension payment for life. One of the retirement challenges that the structure of a monthly DB pension alleviates is the uncertainty of how long you’re going to live and to make your savings last.

I’m so removed from how my contributions are managed and invested, how can I be sure they remain safe and protected?

The best part of DB membership is that you don’t have to worry about making investment decisions. While DB pensions may distance you from day-to-day investment decisions, this structure is designed to benefit plan members collectively. The structure of a DB pension plan emphasizes a fiduciary duty to members and does so using diversified investment strategies to maximize returns and ensure the plan's long-term sustainability. And, since CAAT has a joint governance structure, member and employer representatives have an equal say in making decisions that affect benefit security, so you can be certain your interests are represented.

Set the record straight

Your voice can make a difference – bring secure retirement to all Canadians by tackling misconceptions.

of retirees attribute higher life satisfaction to their defined benefits pension plan2

Facts to inspire friends

Get a conversation started on social media by making a statement.

Plan Ambassadors are part of a movement

Spread knowledge

"Being enrolled in the CAAT pension plan has meant I’ve been able to worry less about retirement saving and able to focus more on my work and life. My pension plan benefits me and my family by giving us peace of mind and reduces the need for us to plan and invest money on our own. We can rest easy knowing that qualified professionals are making the best of my contributions. I’m proud to be a Plan Ambassador and would encourage others to join so that we can correct misconceptions about DB pensions."

- Sharon, Centennial College
End DIY retirement

"Having a pension plan through my workplace is an amazing benefit to myself and my family! It allows for some additional financial planning for my future and retirement, which helps put things into perspective. It's extremely important for Canadians to have a pension to allow for some extra comfort in retirement. Government benefits will only go so far when most of us reach retirement, so any additional financial savings will help tremendously."

- Tom, LIGHTS (Supported Living) 
Stable retirement

"#PensionsforEveryone is a pretty straightforward yet very important message we are trying to get out to our fellow workers. And that despite the economic climate, there’s a secure and stable retirement income to look forward to. It’s something that everyone should have access to."

- Percy, Jamieson Laboratories

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If your employer doesn't have a workplace DB pension, check out this CAAT resource.