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Recruit with CAAT
Use the new and improved Recruitment Toolkit to attract top candidates and position yourself as an employer of choice.
View the toolkit
2023 Year in Review
CAAT remains secure and continues to grow. Read how your pension can help you recruit, retain and take care of your people.
Read the 2023 Year in Review
Employer news and events
Get up-to-date pension administration news and webinar invitations
Employer manual
The employer manual is now available via PAL
Log in to PAL
Employer education guide
Register for upcoming sessions, watch past webinar recordings and access resources
Employer update sessions
Regularly-scheduled information webinars to keep you in the know.
Employer education guide
Online administrator training sessions organized by core area of responsibility.
Catch up on past employee enrolment training webinars
Explore past sessions on contributions calculations and remittances.
Data reporting
Find past sessions on data collection and reporting
Publications and resources
Look back at sessions on important resources
How we work with you
Tools and processes for administrative excellence
Service standards
Service standards enable us to complete each transaction at our desired service level.
Use S-Doc
Send files via S-Doc
Use S-Doc to share files securely with the CAAT Pension Plan. (You will leave the CAAT site)
Rates at a glance
Current and historical government of Canada and CAAT rates
Resources for employers
Find ready-to-use information about CAAT and financial statement disclosure templates
Use these tools to help potential candidates, new hires and employees understand the value of the modern DB pension you offer.