Look back at sessions on important resources
Employer education guide
These sessions help ensure members receive accurate information about Plan provisions and up-to-date resources and documentation.
This session is for CAAT participating employers that provide both DBprime and DBplus plan designs and will be an overview of the Active Member annual pension statement, which has a new streamlined format.
This session is useful for Human Resources staff, so they can understand what information is provided to members on their annual pension statements.
Date: March 6, 2025
Download the webinar slides – Annual Pension Statement Overview (PDF)
This session is for CAAT participating employers that provide the DBplus plan design only. It will be an overview of the Active Member annual pension statement, which has a new streamlined format.
Download the webinar slides – Annual Pension Statement Overview - DBplus only (PDF)
This session is for employers that provide both DBprime and DBplus plan designs and will be an overview of the Active Member annual statement. We will also provide an overview of the Contribution Reconciliation process.
This session is useful for human resources staff, so they can understand what information is provided to members on their annual statements. Payroll and any HR staff who are involved in reconciling the contributions in 2023 with the DCT data should also attend.
Date: March 7, 2024
Download the webinar slides – Annual Statement Overview (PDF)
This session is for employers who provide DBplus only to their employees and will be an overview of the Active Member annual statement.
This session is useful for human resources staff, so they can understand what information is provided to members on their annual statements. Any Payroll or HR staff that are involved in reconciling the contributions sent to the Plan to their payroll data files for 2023 should also attend.
Download the webinar slides – Annual Statement Overview - DBplus Only (PDF)
This session is for employers that provide both DBprime and DBplus plan designs and will be an overview of the Active Member annual statement.
This session is useful for human resources staff, so they can understand what information is provided to members on their annual statements.
Date: March 9, 2023
Watch the March 9, 2023 recorded session
Access previous years’ webinars by visiting the CAAT Pension Plan Employers YouTube channel.