Investment Performance

Performance Overview

CAAT’s approach to strategic investment and risk management has contributed to making us one of Canada’s most sustainable and secure pension plans. The Plan remains at a healthy funding level of 124%, with $1.24 set aside for every dollar promised in pensions.

CAAT’s 10-year net rate of return is 9.3% per year. CAAT has outperformed its 10-year policy benchmark by 2.0% per year. The Plan remains strong, resilient and focused on securing pensions over the long term.

2023 Highlights

During 2023, the Plan’s assets remained at $20.1 billion, with $5.3 billion in funding reserves. Healthy reserves reinforce benefit security, so members can be confident in the sustainability of the Plan even in challenging investment markets.

Despite inflationary pressures and investment market volatility in 2023, our team performed well. The Plan returned 9.5% in 2023 net of management fees. CAAT continues to focus on long-term returns, so our members can be confident their retirement savings are backed by a strong track record of prudent management to fulfill every pension dollar promised.

Hand holding dollar sign icon

10-year annualized net investment return.

Barometer icon

2023 net investment return.

Dollar bill icon

Billion in assets.