It’s Financial Literacy month in Canada and there's no better time to celebrate the big deal that is your CAAT Pension. Your pension plays an important role in your financial future during retirement so you can have peace of mind in the present. But beyond the celebration, there's an opportunity to grow your financial knowledge and share the excitement about your pension with the world.
Growing your learning
Your membership in CAAT pension plan is a treasure chest full of valuable resources to help you retire with confidence and understand the role your pension plans. To fully take advantage of them, you must dive in and explore its depths. Which is why we offer learning sessions delivered by our education experts to help you understand the pension you are earning and are better prepared for retirement. Join these monthly sessions to gain retirement planning insights and speak to the experts about any budding question you might have about your pension.
Paying it forward
As a proud member of the CAAT Pension Plan, you know firsthand the positive impact your pension has on your retirement planning. Unfortunately, many Canadians don’t have the same opportunity to build secure retirement income like you do. So, we launched the Plan Ambassador program to amplify the message that everyone deserves a financially secure retirement and that defined benefit (DB) pensions are the way to do that. And since CAAT is open to all employers, in any sector, we are part of the solution. With members like you joining the cause we are advocating for a better tomorrow for you as a member and Canada as a whole. This month we encourage you to sign up to become a Plan Ambassador and get access to our emails that explore all the reasons pensions benefit you, your loved ones and your community.
Pass it along
Another great way to spread the pensions for everyone message is by sharing the “Let’s talk retirement, Canada” video. This past summer we hit the streets to learn how Canadians were feeling about retirement and learned that DB pensions are a really big deal. Join the conversation by sharing the video with your friends, family and colleagues. Together we can shed light on the important impact a DB pension like CAAT’s makes on retirement security for all Canadians.
So, during Financial Literacy Month (and beyond!), empower yourself with the knowledge on the value of your DB pension and in turn be a champion for pension literacy in your community.