Estimate your pension

Easy-to-use tools to help members plan for retirement.

Pension Estimators

We have tools to help you get an estimate of your pension at the retirement date or age of your choice.

Review the list below, and choose the Estimator that's right for you. All you need to do is enter some basic data, then view your projected retirement dates and pension amounts. 

You work in the Ontario College system, or for a related employer

DBprime Estimator

Click the DBprime Estimator button if you work full-time and you are earning a pension in DBprime.

DBplus Estimator

Use this tool if you work part-time or on contract and are a member of DBplus.

You work for an employer that has joined DBplus since 2019

DBplus Estimator

Use this tool to get an estimate of your DBplus pension, and if applicable, a past replicated benefit.

Use the below Estimator if you work for the Royal Ontario Museum, Healthcare Excellence Canada or YSB, and are earning a pension in DBprime:
ROM, HEC and YSB DBprime Estimator

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