Purchased pension
The DBplus Purchase Tool assumes your pension purchase is made today.
Estimated DBplus purchased pension as of [today’s date]: $NN,NNN
Estimated DBplus purchased pension at age 65:
DBplus purchased pension: $NN,NNN
DBplus AIW increase: $NN,NNN
Total: $NN,NNN
Data you entered
Date of birth: DD-MM-YYYY
Period of purchase: [Start date] – [End date]
T4 earnings for period:
[Start date – end date of period]: [$N,NNN]
Maximum you can contribute for the purchase: $N,NNN
Purchase amount: $N,NNN
Additional purchase information
Date of purchase: [YYYY-MM-DD]
Purchase adjustment factor: [NN.NN%]
This amount depends on your years from normal retirement at the date of the purchase. If you make your purchase when you are more than 25 years from your normal retirement date the adjustment factor is 100%, i.e. the purchased benefit is equal to the applicable Annual Pension Factor, multiplied by the purchase amount. If you are less than 25 years from your normal retirement date, the 100% adjustment is decreased by 1.4% per year, calculated on a day-by-day basis, reducing the purchased benefit. The amount eligible for purchase is limited by the Income Tax Act. The estimator does not validate that the funds you input are eligible for purchase. That validation is done as part of the purchase process.
Purchase date: [DD-MM-YYYY –today]
Retirement date: [show normal retirement date]
AIW increase: NN%
Annual Pension Factor: 8.5%
The APF is used to calculate the amount of pension a member receives for a purchase. For pre-enrolment purchases, the APF used in the calculation is 8.5%.
All amounts shown are gross.
Do you wish to proceed with the purchase?
Choose the type of purchase you will be making and download the form to get started.
I was a member of a Canadian registered pension plan (not the CAAT Plan), before joining the CAAT Plan.
To get started with the process, download these two documents:
If the information provided by your former employer is incomplete or no longer available, or if you are unable to provide proof of eligibility and employment history, we will not be able to proceed with the purchase. Your current CAAT Plan employer cannot assist you in collecting the information needed to complete the pension purchase. Only your former employer has the information pertaining to your previous employment that is required to start the purchase process.
The purchase process can take several months.
I worked for an employer that participates in the CAAT Pension Plan before joining the Pension Plan.
I was a member of the CAAT Pension Plan before, but terminated and took a refund of my contributions or commuted value.
To get started with the process for any of the above purchase types, download these two documents:
The purchase process can take several months.
You will need Adobe Reader to view the forms.
Next steps
Once we have received the completed form from you, we will check your eligibility and calculate the maximum amount you can purchase, and the amount of pension you will receive as a result of the purchase. We will mail a purchase package to you at your home address.
This DBplus Purchase Estimator was developed to provide basic purchase estimates only. Results are based on information provided by you, and are neither reviewed nor verified by the CAAT Pension Plan. These estimates are not binding on the CAAT Pension Plan. At the time of a purchase, the CAAT Plan will validate the funds for purchase based on the information provided by you, your current employer, and former employer, if applicable.
The assumptions used by the DBplus Purchase Tool may be different on the date of your purchase request.