GROWTHplus Investment Account Modeller


The GROWTHplus Investment Account Modeller (the modeller) is a tool to assist in projecting potential GROWTHplus balances and spending. By using various input data and assumptions, you can see projections for two phases: the saving phase and the spending phase. The modeller was developed to help you view estimated projections of future balances, and to illustrate how much GROWTHplus balance can potentially be spent in the future.

Terms of use

  • The projections provided by the modeller are not binding on CAAT Pension Plan. They are strictly for illustrative purposes, and we reserve the right to correct errors at any time. The projections do not provide a guarantee of a GROWTHplus balance in the future, which will change, positively or negatively, based on actual experience or changes to the data if incorrect.
  • Your inputs and the results are not reviewed or verified by CAAT Pension Plan and are based on the information you provide and various assumptions. The modeller does not automatically correct errors that result from inputting incorrect data or otherwise validate the information that you enter.
  • The deposit amounts you enter assumes such deposits are permissible. In practice, there may be limitations on the deposits permitted for GROWTHplus.
  • The assumed rate of return you select in the modeller is not a guarantee of future results. It is designed to allow you to project a future GROWTHplus balance and its spending based on different scenarios. The return options provided assume the rate of return selected is earned each year and does not account for expected volatility. It is important to note that actual GROWTHplus balances receive the CAAT net rate of return, or a rate of return that can be reasonably attributed to the operation of the pension fund for the applicable period, less GROWTHplus administration fees. While the tool only offers positive net rate of return options, actual returns can be positive or negative and will vary over time.
  • The selected rate of return assumes the GROWTHplus administration fee has already been deducted when determining the projected balance. The GROWTHplus administration fee is expressed in basis points and may change from time to time.
  • The modeller does not distinguish between jurisdictions of employment or funds being administered on a locked-in or non-locked-in basis or incorporate any applicable legislative minimum and maximum withdrawal requirements, which will be applied to both non-locked-in and locked-in balances separately. It also does not reflect any minimum withdrawal requirements which may be required by CAAT.
  • Withdrawal options may vary depending on the jurisdiction where you currently report to work (or the last jurisdiction before your employment ended) and the relevant pension plan legislation. For example, in Alberta (AB), British Columbia (BC), Manitoba (MB), Saskatchewan (SK) and Quebec (QC) all locked-in funds must be transferred-out of GROWTHplus before the end of the year you turn 71. This is not incorporated into the GROWTHplus Investment Account Modeller.
  • The projected GROWTHplus balance estimates are gross amounts and do not reflect the amount payable after applicable taxes or other withholdings are deducted (i.e., the net amount), and/or any family law obligations.
  • The results received from the modeller should not be considered financial advice. CAAT Pension Plan recommends you obtain independent financial or legal advice prior to making any decisions regarding your retirement savings.
  • The modeller does not incorporate all applicable terms and conditions of GROWTHplus. For more information on GROWTHplus see the GROWTHplus Investment Account Handbook. The modeller also does not provide information about future changes to CAAT Pension Plan provisions and/or to impacts applicable legislation could have on the projected GROWTHplus balance displayed in the resulting estimates. The terms of the Plan text shall prevail over any information provided by the modeller if it conflicts with CAAT Pension Plan provisions.
  • The data you enter in the modeller is used by CAAT Pension Plan only for the purpose of calculating GROWTHplus projections and is not shared with your employer or any third parties. You may print the results page for future reference but note that the estimates provided are subject to change at any time.
  • The modeller was developed by CAAT Pension Plan to provide basic estimates only. Estimating and projecting what may be available in a GROWTHplus account is complex, and various simplifications and assumptions are made in order to make such estimates. You can learn more about inputs, assumptions and limitations at any time by reviewing the Help section within the modeller. Further details about the terms and conditions of GROWTHplus are provided in the GROWTHplus Investment Account Handbook.

Input, Assumptions and limitations, and Glossary

Enter your data

For input details and glossary, go to modeller help

Use the slider to choose your current age and the age you’d like to start withdrawing.
At what rate would you increase your yearly deposits?
Select an assumed rate of return:
Use the slider to show how many years you want your savings to last. We’ve added age as reference points.
Number of years must be greater than 0.
At what rate would your withdrawals increase each year?

Saving phase projected balance

The GROWTHplus balance is projected to be $NNN after 1 years based on:

  • A one-time lump sum deposit of $NNN at age 1;
  • Deposits of $NNN per year, increasing at NN% per year; and
  • An assumed annual rate of return of NN%

Saving Phase Grid

Spending phase projections

Projected withdrawals do not reflect legislated minimum and maximum withdrawal requirements or that funds that are locked-in under legislation for AB, BC, MB, SK and QC must be transferred-out of GROWTHplus by the end of the year a member turns 71.

Balance at age 1: $

Scenario A - How much you can withdraw every year based on how long you want the balance to last.

To make the projected balance last until age 1, you can initially withdraw an annual amount of $NNN.

To make the projected balance last until age 1, you can initially withdraw an annual amount of $NNN. On average, over 1 out of 10 retirees who are age 1 today are expected to live past age 1.

Scenario B - How long the balance is projected to last based on how much you want to withdraw annually.

If your initial annual withdrawal is $NNN, the balance is projected to last beyond age 115 and be $ at age 115.

If your initial annual withdrawal is $NNN, the balance is projected to last to age 1.

If your initial annual withdrawal is $NNN, the balance is projected to last to age 1. On average, over N out of 10 retirees who are age 1 today are expected to live past age 1.

Scenario A - How much you can withdraw every year based on how long you want the balance to last.

To make the projected balance last until age 1, you can withdraw $ every year, with your selected withdrawal amount increasing at a rate of %.

Before the end of the year a member turns 71, locked-in funds can only be transferred out to another eligible locked-in registered savings vehicle.

Spending Phase Scenario A Grid

Scenario B - How long the balance is projected to last based on how much you want to withdraw every year.

If you withdraw $ every year, increasing at a rate of % and the balance earns a % rate of return per year, the balance is projected to last beyond age 115 and be $ at age 115.

If you withdraw $ every year, increasing at a rate of % and the balance earns a % rate of return per year, the balance is projected to last to age 1.

Before the end of the year a member turns 71, locked-in funds can only be transferred out to another eligible locked-in registered savings vehicle.

Spending Phase Scenario B Grid