The next stage of your purchase process
DBplus purchases
You and your employer (or former employer, if applicable) will complete the DBplus purchase application form. The CAAT Pension Plan uses the information on it to provide you with a purchase package, which contains the maximum amount you can purchase and the pension you would receive as a result of the purchase.
You are under no obligation to complete the purchase even after submitting your application.
After you have downloaded the correct form for your type of purchase, take a moment to look it over and identify what you need to complete it.
You will need to provide some personal information and have either your current employer or a former employer provide information about your earnings for the period you are purchasing.
You should submit your form to CAAT Pension Plan as soon as it is completed. There are options to submit your document to the CAAT Plan: Choose either our secure document delivery system (S-Doc), mail, or fax. Do not email these documents as they contain personal information.
S-Doc (Secure online upload)
Use the Plan’s secure document delivery system (S-Doc) to safely send an electronic copy of your signed DBplus purchase application. S-Doc protects your personal and confidential information and is a safe and effective way to provide your documents to CAAT.
You will need to first scan the signed form.
Mail the DBplus purchase application form to CAAT Pension Plan at: CAAT Pension Plan 250 Yonge Street, Suite 2900 P.O. Box 40 Toronto ON M5B 2L7
Fax your DBplus purchase application form to CAAT Pension Plan at 416-673-9028.
Click the title to read the article or use the “visit the support centre” button for more.
There may be some situations in which it is difficult to retrieve your earnings information, (for example if your previous employer does not have old employment records). In this case, you can provide past T4s.
There are Income Tax Act maximums that apply to the amount you can purchase, which may vary depending on the type of purchase you make.
CAAT will send you a purchase package by mail within 30 days of receiving your completed purchase application form. Your purchase package will show the maximum amount you can transfer for the purchase, the amount of pension you will receive as a result of the purchase, and deadlines to complete the process. You can make your final purchase decision when you receive the package.
Only you can decide if a purchase is a good idea for you, and if it’s a cost-effective way to increase your pension. You may wish to seek independent financial advice, particularly around the tax implications of this purchase.
When you’ve decided to make your purchase, the first thing to do is to notify the CAAT Pension Plan.
If you don’t make the purchase within the deadline (90 days), the quote will become invalid. You can choose to make the purchase at any time while you are a contributing member, but the amount of pension you can purchase will be recalculated and may change.
The funds for a DBplus purchase must come from a registered retirement savings account such as an RRSP. You are responsible for arranging the transfer from your financial institution, and for paying any fees that your financial institution may charge. In most cases, you are responsible for the full cost of any purchase.
Proceed to Earn stage.
Options, estimates and applications
Apply, submit and receive
Forms, financials and finish
You don’t have to notify the CAAT Plan or your employer, and you will not be contacted. You can still make the purchase any time while you are a contributing member, but the amount of pension you can purchase will be recalculated and may change.