
Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Toronto and Participating Member Agencies voting to join the Plan

Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Toronto and Participating Member Agencies (“CCAT”) have entered into an agreement to merge their pension plan with the CAAT Pension Plan.

As with previous mergers of this type, active members of the CCAT pension plan must consent to the merger through a voting process, with unionized members being represented by their local OPSEU 594 This voting process will conclude on December 29, 2019. If the merger proceeds, employees will start contributing to and earning a benefit under the CAAT Pension Plan as of January 1, 2020. The assets of approximately $35 million from CCAT’s existing defined benefit plan will be transferred and benefits will be replicated under the CAAT Pension Plan after approval from the Financial Services Regulatory Authority of Ontario.