In this edition: Getting you ready for the portal, Annual data submission starts soon, Important processing deadlines, Calendar of events
Employer portal - Phase one goes live January 4
On January 4, 2021, the new employer portal, called Pension Administration Link will be live. On the same date, you will receive an email with your temporary password so you can log in and start exploring and using it.
Pension Administration Link simplifies your work
- Customize it to support your organization’s unique workflows and processes: You’ll be able to set notifications and assign work within your team.
- Initiate key member transactions: Enrolments, pension applications, termination applications and changes of employment information can all be completed through Pension Administration Link. With built-in validations, you’ll never miss a step.
- No forms required: When you use Pension Administration Link for any of the transactions above, you can skip submitting forms via S-Doc.
- View member data whenever you need to see it.
Training has started
Visit our website to download the slides and watch the December 10 training session on how to use the new employer portal.
More training is scheduled for the new year (see Upcoming Events).
Keep an eye out for the email with your temporary password so you can check out Pension Administration Link.
Member portal preview – January 12
Be sure to join us on January 12, for an employers-only training session on the member portal, and get an advanced overview into the features members will be able to access when they log in to My Pension.
Help us ensure members use the portal
In the new year, we will be asking for your help to communicate this exciting news to members. To coincide with the member registration package mailing, we will be asking each employer to email their members to encourage them to use it.
We’ll take care of the details. You’ll get:
- A sample registration package so you can see what members will get in the mail
- Emails you can use to notify your staff of this new service
- A timeline so you know when your members will be mailed their registration packages.
Stay tuned for more details.
2019 DCT contribution reconciliations are complete
All 2019 DCT contribution reconciliations have been sent to employers. Please review the packages you’ve received and contact the CAAT finance team if you have any questions.
Thank you for your patience with receiving this year’s reconciliation reports.
Employer manual – what’s new?
We’ve made updates to the Employer manual. The employer education session on December 17 provided an overview.
If you are unable to attend the education session, a recording will be available shortly after the presentation. Contact your PA if you have any questions.
January off-cycle pension payments
There was an additional pension run for members starting their pension on January 1. Any forms received by noon on December 15 were processed for a January 1 pension payment.
Notifying members about inflation protection increases
Inflation protection increases will be applied on January 1. Retired members will receive a notification letter and a retired member newsletter in a mailout scheduled for January 6.
For some employers who recently transferred their pension plan assets into CAAT, the inflation protection payment will be made on February 1, including a retroactive payment for January 1. Letters will be sent to members on January 29.
2021 Annual data submission schedule
For employers who use CAAT’s Data Collection Tool (DCT) for their annual data submission, the DCT will open up on January 22.
Data submission due date: March 15
Training: Training will take place on January 19, 20, and 21. We will be offering both full and refresher training on the DCT process this year so you can select the session that is best for you. For DBplus-only employers, we will be offering training on January 21.
Employer attestation – 2020 attestations will be sent in the new year
Employer attestation forms for 2020 administration will be sent to employers between January 18-22. The completed attestations must be returned by the end of March.
The 2020 training record will be attached to the Employer Attestation of Administrative Compliance, which will be sent to employer presidents or CEOs.
Please review and update your training attendance reports and send them back to your Employer PA by January 7, 2021.
2021 employer training schedule
The employer training schedule for 2021 is now posted on the CAAT website.
Additional training sessions will be provided in January on the employer and member portals. The portal training sessions are voluntary and not required for the employer attestation.
All training sessions will be recorded and available on the website. Invitations to register for the sessions will be sent approximately 2 weeks prior to the session.
Book a 2021 member webinar
We are already booking member webinars for the new year on a variety of topics: Plan overview, retirement planning, introduction to DBplus, and pension purchases.
To arrange a webinar for your employees, contact Stephanie at with your preferred date so we can secure it for you.
Upcoming Events
Be sure to take note of the following dates, and register for and attend upcoming sessions:
- December 24 – CAAT offices close at 1 PM
- December 25 – January 3 – CAAT offices closed
- January 4 – CAAT offices reopen
- January 12 – Member Portal Training for Employers
- January 14 – Employer Portal training - Retirements and Terminations
- January 19-21 – Employer Education Sessions - DCT training
- January 28 – Employer Portal training - Employer Q&A and feedback
- February 4 – Employer Portal Training - Change of Employment information
Invitations for the webinars will be sent out approximately two weeks in advance.