
February 2022 Roundup - Read the Employer News

In this edition

Employer News: new frequency

We want you to receive timely information from CAAT that’s interesting and relevant to you. We are adjusting the frequency of these newsletters to better serve your informational needs, and going forward, you will receive your Employer News every other month. We will also continue to update our formatting to make the Employer News more insightful and enjoyable for you to read.

Stay tuned for more great updates to the news this year!

You can look forward to your 2022 newsletters in:

  • April
  • June
  • August
  • October
  • December

View past newsletters

New Contributors episode out now

Join Dr. Susan Black, President and CEO of the Conference Board of Canada, as she talks to our hosts about building a diverse and inclusive work environment. Learn why it’s more important than ever for companies and organizations to go above and beyond to recruit, attract and retain valuable employees.

Listen now

Bonus: A new episode comes out today, featuring CAAT CEO Derek Dobson! He’ll discuss the challenges and opportunities for retirement security in Canada.

Listen to a preview

Susan Black

Upcoming events

Plan ahead for events you won’t want to miss

Save the date for these upcoming events in April:

Employer Education Sessions (for employers working directly with CAAT)

  • Annual Statement Overview: April 7, 2022

Employer Update (for all employers):

  • April 19, 2022

Updates & reminders

Send us your employer attestations

Employers who are required to complete an attestation for 2021 received the attestation package in January 2022. If you received this package, please ensure you send us the completed attestations by March 31, 2022.

Thank you to those employers who have already submitted their attestations. If you have any questions, please contact Sandy Cook at

Annual data collection and annual statement timeline

Annual data collection deadline: March 7, 2022

Read this if: You are an employer working directly with CAAT

Employers who participate in both DBprime and DBplus should submit their annual data for 2021 using CAAT’s Data Collection Tool (DCT), which was made available on January 21, 2022.

Thank you to all employers who have already submitted their data. Employers who have not submitted their data, please ensure you send it to CAAT by the deadline of March 7, 2022.

Annual statement timeline

Employers working directly with CAAT

CAAT will send active member annual statements beginning in March 2022. We anticipate having 95% of all active statements distributed to members by the end of May 2022, with any remaining statements being sent by June 30, 2022 as required by pension regulation. CAAT will provide the statement data file to employers when all statements have been completed.

Important: CAAT will discontinue the past practice of providing employers with PDF files for all active members’ statements. These are now accessible in PAL. If you require assistance, please contact your employer PA.

Employers working directly with CAAT administration partners:

CAAT administration partners will mail all annual member statements by May 31, 2022.

Pension adjustments

Employers who offer DBprime and are working directly with CAAT:

For members who were on long-term disability (LTD) in 2021, CAAT will mail T4As to members and report pension adjustments to the CRA by February 28, 2022.

Employers working directly with CAAT administration partners:

Pension adjustments for employers working with administration partners were sent directly to the employers by those administration partners. These employers should file their T4s with CRA by February 28, 2022.


Intent to enrol link now in follow-up letters to non-members

Read this if: You are a college employer

Follow-up letters are sent to non-members based on the monthly data provided by employers. They help inform new hires of their Plan eligibility rights.

We have updated the follow-up letters to non-members to include the link for intent to enrol. This will allow employees to initiate an enrolment with their employers electronically.


Quarterly reports update

Read this if: You are a college employer

After careful consideration, effective Q1 2022, CAAT will no longer distribute quarterly reports that provide listings of Deferred, Extension of Membership (EOM) and part-time members.

Information regarding part-time employees, who are past or current members of the Plan, is available in PAL. For information on deferred or EOM status of a new or rehired employee, please contact your Employer PA and they will confirm if this employee should be enrolled in the Plan.

Book your 2022 member presentations now!

We are now booking webinars for Spring 2022. We offer sessions on the Plan overview, DBprime service purchases, DBplus pension purchases and Retirement planning. Be sure to book your sessions well in advance to secure the dates and times that work best for your members.

We continue to offer monthly webinars for all our members. Register for upcoming sessions.

Reach out to us at to book some sessions for your employees this winter.

Employer & member portals

Read this if: you have access to PAL and/or your members have access to My Pension

Celebrating one year of portals

It’s been over a year since the launch of PAL and My Pension! As our portals are entering their second year, we want to celebrate the success of these new tools.

We launched PAL, our employer portal, at the beginning of January 2021. PAL allows employers to easily complete and submit forms to the Plan, track their activity and assign transactions to other users, making it simple to manage member information. Throughout 2021, 355 users registered and 88 employers used the portal. Employers processed 6,010 transactions in 2021 through PAL.

We launched our member portal, My Pension, in early 2021 and saw 19,312 members register throughout the year. My Pension allows members to view their pension data, update their personal information, access their online statements and run pension estimates using their pension information. In 2021, members processed 26,342 transactions and ran over 200,000 self-serve estimates using My Pension.