CAAT’s DBplus Plan design is evolving to meet the workplace needs of more Canadians, further supporting CAAT’s membership growth, and strengthening benefit security for our members.
Starting in 2022 a new feature, DBplus with Contribution Choice, will allow new employers that are interested in joining DBplus to set a range of contribution rates that members can choose from (subject to applicable limitations) — a feature new to defined benefit plans like ours.
This notice is for your information only; your contributions and your pension will not be affected, and no action is required. DBplus with Contribution Choice will improve benefit security and Plan sustainability for all members by enabling more Canadian workplaces to offer a CAAT pension.
As we continue to grow and evolve, we are committed to continued innovation for the benefit of all of our members and employers. This new feature will be announced to the public in the coming days, at which time more information will be available on our website.