
October 2022 Roundup - Read the Employer News

In this edition

Recruit with CAAT: introducing the Talent Recruitment Toolkit

It’s a candidate’s market – so, how can you launch a recruitment campaign that ultimately results in amazing new hires? The CAAT Pension Plan has created a digital toolkit to help you stand out as an employer of choice by promoting one of your best assets: a defined benefit pension.

The Talent Recruitment Toolkit will help your recruiters, HR, and talent management teams nurture top candidates into applicants and keep your organization top of mind. Use the toolkit’s tips and resources to amplify your recruitment strategy and become a valued voice when candidates make their employment decision.

Make sure you include the ‘Lifetime Retirement Pension’ badge on your website so candidates can see what they get when they join your team.

Access the toolkit

Register today for the fall member learning sessions

We have just kicked off our fall webinar series for all active members! These presentations give members the opportunity to ask questions and learn about their CAAT pension. It’s perfect for new members who want to know why the defined benefit pension you offer is a big deal!

Register now

Want a personalized session for your employees? Connect with us and we will find a solution that works best for you and your team.

Become a Plan Ambassador today

We believe all Canadians deserve to build a secure stream of retirement income while they work. The Plan Ambassador program aims to amplify the message that every Canadian deserves access to a workplace pension and CAAT has a solution to get there.

With your help, we can spread the message that defined benefit pension access belongs to everyone. Plan Ambassadors enjoy:

  • Exclusive first access to curated content on Canadian retirement trends
  • Special messages from CAAT’s CEO Derek Dobson
  • The latest in economic and financial research
  • A FREE branded Plan Ambassador T-shirt

You can share the program with your employees to help spread the word.

Join today

Upcoming events

Mark your calendar for these events

Pensionable Earnings, Contributions, and Pension Adjustments (November 3)

Participate in this training to enhance your understanding of earnings, contributions, and pension adjustments. This annual overview is part of our Employer Education Sessions, and your attendance is required. This session is for employers who work directly with CAAT. An invitation will be sent to you two weeks prior to the date.

CAAT Staff Event (November 10)

CAAT’s office will be closed for a staff training event. We will respond to inquiries the next business day.

Updates and reminders

Get social with us

Want to be in the know when it comes to industry news, CAAT company updates, and all things pensions? Follow us on LinkedIn!

And CAAT is on Facebook! Share the news with your employees so they can access pension information right from our page!

Review your final 2021 annual contribution summary

It’s the perfect time to review your final 2021 annual contribution summary reports. You will need to send funds or take any credits owing, so we can close your 2021 contribution account. If you have any questions about your summary report, contact CAAT Finance or your Employer Pension Analyst.

Members turned 71 this year? Submit their pension applications

Have any of your employees turned 71 this year? Please ensure that you have sent us their pension applications. These members are required to start their pension on December 1 because of the Income Tax Act rules. Please note, any lump sum payments for vacation accruals are not included as pensionable earnings for members who continue to work past December 1. Contact your Employer Pension Analyst if you have any questions.

Your in-year reporting is due December 2

Read this if… you are an employer working directly with CAAT and offer DBprime and DBplus

The deadline for submitting all your in-year reporting changes for processing will be Friday, December 2, 2022. All information received by December 2 will be available to you in the Data Collection Tool (DCT) for the annual data update process. Please note that any transactions reported after this date may not show in the DCT. Contact your Employer Pension Analyst if you need any help.

New requirements for reporting non-contributing OTRFT members

Read this if… you are a college employer

You no longer need to report Other Than Regular Full Time (OTRFT) non-contributing members through the DCT. We are requesting you provide us with a list of the non-contributory members from January 1, 2021 to December 31, 2021. This is due by December 31, 2022 through the Pension Administration Link (PAL).

Starting in 2023, you must send termination or pension benefit applications for members who have not contributed to the Plan in the last 12 months. We will require you to provide these documents at the end of May, October, and December via PAL. By increasing the frequency of reporting, this will save you time during year end, allows for better record keeping, and reduces the risk of errors.

Your Employer Pension Analyst is here to help if you have any questions.

PAL corner for employers who work directly with CAAT

Get the highlights from the latest features and enhancements to the Pension Administration Link (PAL) and be sure to connect with us if you have questions or experience any issues.

Sign in

Initial purchase quote

Members can now view and initiate a pension purchase quote for leaves within six months of their return to work on My Pension. Leaves beyond six months of a member’s return to work date continue to follow the current forms process. When a member submits a quote via My Pension to you, you will see a notification on your PAL dashboard where you will complete the purchase process. This new feature improves process automation for members and employers.

Leave reporting

You can now report Unpaid Leaves of Absence, Authorized Statutory Leaves, Grievance, Temporary Lay-offs, and Strikes. By the end of October, other leaves will also be available for reporting on PAL. With this new feature, you can complete your leave reporting securely in one centralized location and experience a paperless, more efficient process.

We want to hear from you

Have a question, comment, or suggestion for us about PAL? Let us know. Your feedback is important to us so please let us know about your experience. Over the course of the next year, we’re planning to add more exciting features to improve PAL functionality. It is an innovative platform that continues to expand and put information into a single, unified experience for you. Reach out to your Employer Pension Analyst to share your thoughts anytime.

Contributors podcast: season 2 coming soon!

Throughout season 1 of Contributors, we explored how organizations and leaders are thinking beyond the bottom line to make Canada better. The stories and lessons continue this fall with the launch of season 2. Get ready to uncover takeaways that will help you innovate and go further in your organization.

Listen to our trailer for a sneak peek into what you can expect from the new season of Contributors.

Listen now

Industry outlook: gain insights from some of the industry’s forward thinkers

Take a closer look at the latest trends, research, and insights across the industry. Share with your employees and network!

The marathon for talent: how to attract & retain talent through a long-term lens

This free industry webinar will explore key challenges with today's talent acquisition and the opportunities to overcome them, featuring Derek Dobson and Dr. Susan Black.

Register now

Five insights from the 2022 Westcomm benefit communications survey

Read the key findings from this in-depth study that will inspire you to leverage benefit communications as a strategic tool in recruitment and retention efforts.

Read now

How McDonald’s is supersizing engagement

More exciting than the Big Mac, McDonald’s is looking at the way digital tools, including a portal, can help boost employee engagement.

Read now