
Stay current on joint governance

Joint governance is a key strength of the Plan. It ensures employees and employers have an equal voice in the Plan’s decisions through their representatives on the Board of Trustees and the Sponsors’ Committee. Joint governance also balances different perspectives and interests, promotes collegiality, and ensures there is a collective focus on the Plan’s long-term security.

Spotlight on the Chair and Vice-Chair of the Board of Trustees

On April 1, 2019, the Chair and Vice-Chair assumed their new roles.

Don Smith is the Chair of the Board of Trustees. He is an Employee-appointed Trustee. Mr. Smith is a faculty member of the School of Business at Georgian College. As a Chartered Accountant, he has served as a member of professional committees concerned with member education and accounting standards development.

Dr. Scott Blakey is Vice-Chair of the Board of Trustees. He is an Employer-appointed Trustee. This role follows the end of his tenure as Chair of the Board of Trustees. Dr. Blakey is the Chief Administrative Officer of Durham College. He has extensive pension experience, including twelve years working with the TTC Pension Fund Society. Dr. Blakey served in various roles there, including as President of the Pension Fund Society.

Changes on the Sponsors’ Committee

In May 2019, the Sponsors’ Committee welcomed a new member:

Cheri Hearty is an Employee representative (OPSEU-appointed) with 20 years of experience in the pension and benefits industry. A Benefits Officer for OPSEU, she has served on several pension plan and benefits boards of trustees.

The Committee also welcomed a new Employee Co-Chair:

Pat Kennedy is an Employee representative (OPSEU-appointed). Mr. Kennedy is President of OPSEU Local 415, which represents faculty at Algonquin College. He is also a professor in the Career and Academic Access Centre at Algonquin College.

These changes on the Sponsors’ Committee follow the departure of Kim Macpherson. Ms. Macpherson was an Employee representative (OPSEU-appointed) and Co-Chair of the Sponsors’ Committee. We thank her for her dedicated service to the Plan.

To stay current on governance, visit the joint governance page.