
The Financial Services Regulatory Authority of Ontario issues Notices of Intended Decision for the mergers of the defined benefit Torstar Pension Plans into the CAAT Pension Plan

Toronto, October 25, 2019 – The merger of the eight Torstar defined benefit pension plans (the “Torstar Plans”) into the CAAT Pension Plan is in its final stages. The Financial Services Regulatory Authority of Ontario (FSRA) has issued Notices of Intended Decision for the merger of the Torstar plans into the CAAT Pension Plan. By issuing these notices, the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of FSRA has indicated an intention to consent to the pension plan mergers following a standard 30-day period to facilitate any applicable requests to the Financial Services Tribunal.

After this 30-day waiting period, and once the final consent is obtained from the CEO of FSRA, the final steps of the merger can be completed. It is anticipated that the transfer of assets from the Torstar plans to the CAAT Pension Plan will be completed by the end of 2019, at which point the Torstar Plans will be fully merged into the CAAT Pension Plan.

Once the assets have transferred, Torstar Plan members can expect to receive a communication notifying them that the merger has been completed. If you have any questions, please email

Copies of the Notices of Intended Decision are below.

Toronto Star Pension Plan

Torstar Pension Plan

Pension Plan for Employees of Metroland West Media Group

Metroland Employees' Retirement Savings Plan

Metroland Pension Plan for Senior Management Employees

Metroland Pension Plan

Retirement Plan for Employees of Metroland

The Pension Plan for Employees of the Guelph Mercury and the Cambridge Reporter, Divisions of the

Metroland Media Group, Ltd.