
United Way Centraide North East Ontario boosts benefits with DBplus

Toronto, December 13, 2021 – United Way Centraide North East Ontario/Nord-est de l’Ontario (UWCNEO), a charitable organization focused on improving lives and serving communities in North East Ontario, joined the CAAT Pension Plan under DBplus. UWCNEO is the second United Way agency to join CAAT.

“At United Way Centraide North East Ontario/Nord-est de l’Ontario, we are committed to strengthening the communities we live in. The CAAT pension plan was a perfect fit for our organization,” said Mary Lou Hussak, Executive Director at UWCNEO. “By joining DBplus, staff members are able to plan for a better retirement future while focusing on delivering quality programs and services for those who need it now.”

Prior to joining CAAT on October 1, 2021, UWCNEO employees had participated in a Group RRSP and wanted a more secure retirement plan. The charity was attracted to CAAT’s DBplus Plan design for its flexibility and extra benefits, like inflation protection, early retirement features and survivor benefits.

"CAAT is pleased to welcome UWCNEO to the Plan,” said Derek Dobson, CEO and Plan Manager at CAAT Pension Plan. “DBplus gives UWCNEO and its employees the security of a lifetime pension at a fixed contribution rate. Without the administrative challenges of managing a pension plan on their own, joining DBplus frees them to focus on the important work they do.”

Since its launch in 2019, more than 200 employers across 11 industries have joined CAAT’s innovative, award-winning DBplus pension plan design to provide peace of mind to their employees. DBplus is a high-value, low-risk, fixed-cost solution for employers looking to provide an attractive benefit to help engage and retain highly qualified employees.

Thanks to this unique offering which emphasizes providing a retirement savings plan relevant to today’s workforce, CAAT was recognized in 2020 as the fastest growing plan in Canada. As of January 1, 2021, the CAAT Plan has $15.8 billion in assets and last year earned an 11.1% rate of return net of investment management fees. The Plan’s annualized 10-year net rate of return is 9.9%.

About CAAT Pension Plan:

Established in 1967, the CAAT Pension Plan is an independent, jointly governed plan that offers two designs of a defined benefit pension. CAAT's award-winning DBplus design is leading an extraordinary pace of growth for the Plan. Originally created to support the Ontario college system, the CAAT Plan now proudly serves more than 200 participating employers from various sectors including the for-profit, non-profit, and broader public sectors. It has over 74,000 active and retired members. The CAAT Plan is respected for its pension and investment management expertise and focus on stability and benefit security. At January 1, 2021, the Plan was 119% funded on a going-concern basis. Learn more at:

About United Way Centraide North East Ontario

UWCNEO is a part of the social fabric that connects their community. Their strength is bringing people together to address complex issues and improve the lives of vulnerable people in their community. They invest in programs and collaborations that create lasting change. For more information, visit

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CAAT Pension Plan