Attend a member presentation

Learn valuable information about your plan and your options

Explore your pension benefits!

group of professionals standing together and smiling

Your CAAT Plan pension includes many valuable benefits, and attending one of our monthly sessions is your chance to learn more about the pension you are earning.

CAAT’s online learning sessions are free, and anyone can attend! Our presentations are delivered by our top pension experts. You’ll have the opportunity to learn about pension fundamentals, plan features, retirement planning, and so much more!

These sessions are great for members who are: getting ready to retire, thinking about joining, or making a pension purchase. We have lots of sessions available, so you can register for the webinar that works best for your schedule.

Speak French? Visit our webpage for French-language webinars.

Closed captioning

We offer both closed captioning and live ASL (American sign language) at our webinars. Please select the specific drop-down option when you register to sign-up for either of these services.

Here's what's coming up:


Join our upcoming webinar to learn about the new GROWTHplus Investment Account, designed specifically for CAAT Pension Plan members. Discover the benefits and key details tailored just for you.

Thursday, January 30 12:30pm – 1:30pm EST
Wednesday, February 12 12:30pm – 1:30pm EST

Register for a GROWTHplus webinar

(Select the date and time that works best for you when you register)

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Retirement planning

In our most popular session, we answer common questions we hear from members as they prepare for retirement.

You should attend if: You’re a member of the pension plan and thinking about retiring. It’s never too early or too late to attend a retirement planning session. The session is for all members, whether contributing under DBprime or DBplus.

Thursday, March 13 12:30pm – 1:30pm EDT
Tuesday, April 8 12:00pm – 1:00pm EDT

Register for a Retirement Planning webinar

(Select the date and time that works best for you when you register)

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A future you can count on: Your CAAT Pension

Dive into the details of all the incredible benefits your CAAT pension provides. This session is perfect for members who wants to know why their pension is a big deal!

You should attend if: You want an overview of the secure lifetime pension CAAT provides. Whether you’re a new member, thinking about joining, or have been in the Plan for years, this session has something for you.

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Making a purchase

Making a purchase is a valuable option to increase your pension. This session will cover the types of purchases, the costs, and processes.

If you have eligible periods to purchase, such as periods of employment before enrolling, breaks in employment, or if you earned a benefit from a previous employer’s pension plan, you may have an opportunity to make your CAAT Plan pension even more valuable by making a pension purchase.

You should attend if: You’re a member of the CAAT Pension Plan and you want to know if a purchase may be right for you. We offer different sessions for DBplus and DBprime members. Be sure to choose the right session based on your membership. Not sure which Plan design you contribute to? Check your annual statement or visit this page for more information