
June 2020 Roundup - Read the Employer News

CAAT Pension Plan Employer Services

News & Events


Member Annual Statements– in progress and on schedule for June 30

Member annual statements are currently being processed and mailed to members.

As of June 17, the following statements have been mailed:

  • Active member statements are mailed every week, and will be completed on June 30.
  • Retired member statements have all been mailed, with the final batch of statements mailed on June 12. (Statements were mailed weekly, in batches of 2,500 starting on May 8.)
  • Deferred statements were mailed on May 29.
  • EOM statements are on schedule to be mailed by June 30. If members ask about the status of their statement, let them know that their statements will be mailed this month. A small number of statements will be issued in July to ensure accuracy of information.


June 30 retirements – second payment run for documents received by July 3

We have received approximately 184 applications for June 30 retirements. The deadline for receiving completed pension option forms and supporting documents from members was June 12.

To support the volume of retirements, we will complete an additional pension set up run on July 15 for members whose documents we receive by July 3. For documents received after July 3, the first pension payment will be made August 1 (retroactive to July 1).


The Annual Member Survey – share the link with your members

The Annual Member Survey is now out!

We value all feedback from our members, so please encourage your members to participate in this year’s survey. Members receive a link via email to the survey.

Employers without member-direct services: If you receive an email to pass along to your members, please forward it to them promptly so all Plan members have enough time to fill out the survey. If you would like to implement member-direct services from the Plan, please contact your Employer PA to get started.


Treatment of layoffs in Ontario is changing – updates to follow

We are aware that Ontario has made changes to the eligibility criteria for certain emergency leaves under the Employment Standards Act (Ontario) for non-union employees. We are currently reviewing these changes and will provide more information about the treatment of these periods in the Plan in the near future.


Updated enrolment forms coming in July

If you are currently using the enrolment forms provided in the Employer Manual, take note that we are making updates to the form to simplify it and make it easier to use. Stay tuned for more details regarding the updates in July.


The more members know about their pension, the more they value it

There were nearly 800 attendees at the Plan’s Annual Report webinar on May 12. Results from the post-webinar survey showed that member opinions of the value, security, and expertise of Plan staff was significantly enhanced as a result of the webinar.

If you missed the annual report webinar, you can watch it here in English or you can watch it here in French.

Member presentations In the past month, we held seven member presentation webinars where we educated 270 attendees.

We saw very high attendance numbers:

  • for one employer, almost 90 members attend a Pension Purchase presentation, and
  • for another employer, almost 70 members attended a Retirement Planning presentation. Members asked many important questions that were answered by our pension expert while they were tuned in.

Presentations geared to your HR needs

To arrange a webinar for your members, contact with your preferred date so we can secure it for you.

Upcoming Events

Be sure to take note of the following date, and register for and attend the upcoming session:

July 28 - Employer Update

Invitations for the webinar will be sent out approximately two weeks in advance.