Klos Concepts Illuminated to Pension Possibilities

Small family-run business secures a valuable defined benefit pension with CAAT, enhancing its total compensation package and competitiveness in a challenging employment market

Industry: Construction
Employer size: 18 employees
Objective: establish pension plan

About Klos Concepts

Established in 2011, Klos Concepts is a family business providing residential and commercial high-end luxury electrical services and repair. With an emphasis on safety and quality, the small business operates within the Greater Toronto Area. The employer has a growing workforce of 18 people, including highly trained and experienced electricians.

The Challenge

Small Business Looks at Pension Possibilities

Klos Concepts, a small family-run business, was interested in setting up the company’s first pension plan for its employees. But with a staff of 12 people at the time, they thought their options would be limited to a group registered retirement savings plan (RRSP). Nevertheless, the small employer hoped to provide their workers with a secure, predictable retirement income they could rely on for life.

In addition, Klos Concepts recognized the importance of offering a competitive total compensation package, including a pension plan, to attract top talent and convince them to stick around. They saw the opportunity to cultivate a vibrant company culture centered around a commitment to employee wellbeing through comprehensive retirement benefits.

The Solution

Shedding Light on Pension Administration

Many small businesses like Klos Concepts believe a defined benefit (DB) pension plan is out of their reach. However, with CAAT’s DBplus, providing a DB pension plan can become a reality. Through DBplus, Canadian businesses of all shapes and sizes can receive the benefits of a DB pension without the typical pension-related costs, or balance sheet risks and liabilities.

DBplus provides a flexible retirement solution tailored to meet an organization’s unique needs. With Klos Concepts, they had three major concerns: complexity, affordability and governance. DBplus addresses these concerns by offering a cost-effective pension solution with fixed costs and no hidden administrative or service fees. Additionally, employers can rest assured CAAT will handle the majority of the responsibilities associated with administering a pension plan, including governance, plan management and investments, and member communication and education sessions.

The Results

Klos Concepts Secures Valuable DB Pension

Having a comprehensive total compensation package is particularly important in the skilled-trades labour market, and now Klos Concepts has a competitive advantage. With a young workforce with an average age of 35, Klos Concepts employees can now begin accumulating a secure pension at a prime age without the stress and worry of how to invest their funds.

Klos Concepts was pleased it was able to offer its employees a secure, sustainable pension plan for life with CAAT’s DBplus. Working with CAAT experts, Klos Concepts employees were able to take advantage of a phased-in, gradual approach to its contribution rate, making DBplus initially more affordable and allowing employees the opportunity to adapt.

Karl Klos
“As a small business we didn’t think that a defined benefits pension plan was even possible for us. After speaking with the experts at CAAT, we realized that we could provide our employees with the same valuable pension benefits that some of the larger employers were offering.”
Karl Klos
Master Electrician and Owner,
Klos Concepts

Small Business, Big Pension Benefits

When it comes to attracting and retaining talent for smaller employers, CAAT’s DBplus plan design helps organizations:

  • Compete against larger employers for top talent
  • Demonstrate a long-term commitment to employee wellness
  • Enhance total rewards packages
  • Provide the coveted pension benefits expected by highly skilled trades people
  • Emerge as employers of choice

DBplus enables organizations across Canada to offer a world-class pension, giving employees what they want and need - at an affordable rate.

Upgrade your retirement. Great companies deserve a great pension.

Our Pension Solutions team is ready to assist you in making the transition to DBplus as smooth as possible, ensuring your employees benefit from a secure pension plan.

Fill out the form below to:

  • Book a 30-minute consultation
  • Request additional information
  • Learn how to join DBplus

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