pension solutions

Why choose CAAT?

A world-renowned governance model

With strong governance structure, expert investors, and responsible funding policy

We are independent and exist solely to pay your pensions. Learn about the ways CAAT is a leader in the Canadian pension industry below.

Safe, secure, sustainable, and simple

The Colleges of Applied Arts and Technology (CAAT) Pension Plan is independent, jointly governed, and fully funded.  We have been delivering secure defined benefit pensions for more than 50 years. Our focus on benefit security ensures a strong and sustainable plan for all members. Our success is built on leading expertise, rigorous risk management, and strong governance.


Managed for sustainability

  • 124% funded on a going-concern basis
  • $20.1 billion in assets
  • 9.3% 10-year net investment return, annualized

Proven expertise

  • Leaders in mergers of single-employer pension plans with a jointly sponsored pension plan
  • First in Ontario
  • Largest asset transfer from a private sector plan to a jointly sponsored pension plan
  • Overwhelming member support (needed for regulatory approval)

An innovative plan

2019 Awards



2019 Association of Canadian Pension Management (ACPM) Industry Award


The purpose of the ACPM Industry Award (National Award) is to recognize the efforts and achievements of an individual [Derek Dobson] who has proven to be an inspiration for fundamental change in the Canadian retirement income industry.

Greater Toronto’s Top 2020 Employer


The Canada's Top 100 Employers project is a national competition to determine which employers lead their industries in offering exceptional workplaces for their employees.

Canada’s Most Admired Corporate Culture


This is a prestigious award recognizing best-in-class Canadian organizations for having cultures that enhance performance and sustain a competitive advantage.

2019 International Association of Business Communicators (IABC) Ovation


For communications supporting the Torstar merger income. Entries are judged on innovation as well as excellence in execution.


Finalist in the 2019 Excellence & Innovation awards

Innovation (DC)

DCIIA and Pensions & Investments have co-sponsored this annual award for defined contribution plan sponsors.

Value verified
DB plans provide more value


See the 2018 study The Value of a Good Pension to discover why Canadian-model plans, like DBplus provide more value.