

Contributors Roundup: Part Two

Contributors Editor
colleagues working together with fun

The second half of season one explores even more innovative ideas and tangible solutions for the workplace.

Episode 7: Building inclusive environments in the workplace

Click here for full episode

After this episode, you’ll learn:

  • New research about the connection between higher employee engagement and higher sales.
  • The critical importance of building stronger employee engagement.
  • Two ways to foster an inclusive work environment, and how Conference Board of Canada improved in this area.
  • How to support initiatives in the workplace (small or large) – including how to engage your team in an everchanging climate.

Episode 8: The power of pensions - How retirement security can (and will!) transform Canada

Click here for full episode

After this episode, you’ll learn:

  • The looming challenge of retirement savings in Canada – and the opportunity for our economy;
  • Three ways employers are improving their business by joining a defined benefit pension plan;
  • How organizations, like CAAT, are transforming and innovating pensions;
  • Derek’s “secret sauce” behind creating a new category in the retirement savings space.

Episode 9: Removing the burden - How one organization is reshaping Canada's access to healthcare

Click here for full episode.

After this episode, you'll learn: 

  • Why Canadians need additional support for oral health and mental health now more than ever;
  • How the pandemic has disproportionately affected women and BIPOC communities;
  • The current barriers standing in the way of better access to healthcare for all Canadians;
  • How we can drive better health outcomes overall for Canadians.

Episode 10: Growing Good Governance - How collective power is driving change in Canada

Click here for full episode.

After this episode, you’ll learn:

  • The value of prioritizing ‘good governance’;
  • How any organization across Canada can leverage governance to impact their bottom-line (regardless of having a Board involved or not!);
  • How organizations are leveraging collective power to empower their stakeholders, including their employees;
  • Best practices for leaders who are looking to improve their approach to ESG factors

Episode 11: A New Era of ‘Enabling’ – How CIBC is leading modern change in the banking industry

Click here for full episode.

After this episode, you’ll learn:

  • A new definition of ‘modernizing’ and how this concept can help you better understand your clients, employees, and competitors
  • How CIBC leverages relationship management in every aspect of its business – and how you can follow similar processes to improve your business
  • Three ways to empower employees to reach their full potential

 Episode 12: Barriers to entry - How Canadian colleges are closing the trade-skills gap

Click here for full episode.

After this episode, you'll learn: 

  • The key trends that are transforming Canada's education space
  • Why a growing skills gap has impact on all industries across Canada
  • The benefits (for employers) of building or supporting an educational pathway for students entering the workforce
  • How experiential learning can help us train future generations more effectively
  • New opportunities ahead for creating innovation literacy

 Episode 13: Lessons from the Leaders

Click here for full episode.

After this episode, you'll learn: 

  • The power of diversity and inclusion
  • How top talent fuels the innovation economy
  • The value of being open to new skills
  • Strategies for fostering innovation

Click here to read the Contributors Roundup from the first half of season one.