
Contributions is a blog by the CAAT Pension Plan that explores Canada's innovation, business, and pensions.

Read about stories that are impacting Canada

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Explore recent trends and news in policy, business, innovation and Canada’s future.

Canadian Spotlight
Pension and Retirement
Illustration of AI persona

Yung Wu, CEO of MaRS Discovery District discusses challenges in the Canadian tech sector and the risks associated with not bringing our own technologies to market.

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Explore the challenges and opportunities for retirement security in Canada, with CAAT Pension Plan CEO and Plan Manager, Derek Dobson

Man frustrated at work

Leaders like Paula Allen, LifeWorks, say level of burnout has tripled amongst working Canadians.

Illustration of Canadian flag with a calendar in front

The CAAT Pension Plan will launch a new, in-house podcast this fall.

Two professionals high-fiving each other over a desk

Too many Canadians see pensions as a zero-sum negotiation between employees and employers, where one group loses, the other group wins.

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About the show

Contributors, an award-winning podcast, is for and by Canadian leaders. The episodes explore how organizations are making strategic decisions today to secure a better and brighter future for Canada. Russell Evans invites Canadian business leaders to sit down with him and discuss how their organizations are leading fundamental change, disrupting industries, and investing in Canada's well-being. Through in-depth conversations, we explore innovation, policy, business ideas, and more. During season one, Contributors episodes reached the top 1% of podcasts streamed across the globe (BuzzSprout), and the show earned a spot on the Top Innovative Branded Podcasts list by Bay Street Bull. Season two continues to showcase leaders whose organizations are inspiring others in Canada and beyond, including Anthony Viel, CEO of Deloitte Canada, Christine Bergeron, President & CEO of Vancity and more.

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