The flexibility and choice employers and employees need
The flexibility
and choice employers
and employees need

“CAAT was a willing partner in innovating DBplus beyond a one-size-fits-all solution for our members. Unions and employers need this flexibility to bring retirement security to more Canadian workers.”
Contribution Choice
With Contribution Choice, we’re continuing to evolve the retirement savings industry.
DBplus with Contribution Choice brings the best of Defined Benefit, Defined Contribution, and Group RRSPs together, seamlessly. A tailored pension solution employers can afford, with the contribution rate flexibility some employees may want.

DBplus with Contribution Choice lets employers set multiple employee contribution rate options to meet the needs of their workplace

Employees choose a rate from those offered by their employer, and can adjust it over time to meet their financial goals

CAAT’s decision support tools help members better plan for their futures

Derek Dobson, CEO @ CAAT
Derek talks about the benefits and flexibility offered in the new DBplus with Contribution Choice.
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