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Peace of mind can be easier to find with a pension

73% of Canadians say having a retirement income that is monthly and predictable is most desirable.

70% are willing to forgo a higher salary in exchange for a workplace pension plan.

90% consider having a workplace pension to be the most influential factor to remain with their employer.

1 The Pensions Canadians Want: Perceptions of Retirement, Canadian Public Pension Leadership Council, June 2023 2 Healthcare of Ontario Pension Plan and Abacus Data, 2021 Canadian Retirement Survey, May 2021 3 CAAT Report Based on CPPLC Data, Better pensions needed to create a better Canada, November 2023

Many [of my] peers do not have pension options despite years of education and work experience. I am grateful for a pension when I retire.” Patricia, CAAT member, has found gratitude

A (better) workplace pension can impact everyone

Employers are bringing CAAT’s modern pension solution, DBplus, to their workplaces to improve employee well-being and achieve their business objectives around recruitment, retention, culture and engagement.  

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The better the pension, the bigger the smile

Contributions to CAAT are expected to deliver much more in retirement:

Small leaf with a happy face representing $2.58 Group RRSP or Defined Contribution Plans sits inside a large leaf with an even happier face representing $5.32 Canada-model DB pension plans (like CAAT).

The Value of a Good Pension study, prepared by the Healthcare of Ontario Pension Plan