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RetiredLiving with more pension certainty.

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A pension plan: The key to happiness?

Nearly 100% of retired members feel satisfied with the Plan and are able to enjoy their retirement.

Older man leans slightly towards the camera with a calm smile.

Nearly100% of retired members feel satisfied with the Plan and are able to enjoy their retirement.

CAAT Pension Plan Annual Survey 2023

A lifetime pension provides me with long term peace of mind regarding my future income... Gives me the freedom to enjoy life to the fullest. Mary, CAAT member, has found enjoyment

Retired member

My pension has given me the flexibility to undertake extended travels globally without the worry of needing to get back home by predetermined set dates. Alan, CAAT member, has found flexibility

Retired member

The CAAT Pension is secure. I can't lose it if I get sick. I can’t outlive my retirement income. Mary Anne, CAAT member, has found certainty

Retired member

We want to hear from you:

No more work!



Travelling when I want

Contributors across the country

We’re not the only ones advocating for better pensions. Our peer plans, partners and other leaders across Canada believe modern pensions will create a better future for all.

Portrait of Stephen Poloz wearing a black Pensions t-shirt

Stephen Poloz, former Governor, Bank of Canada and Special Advisor, Osler Hoskin

As heard on CAAT’s Contributors podcast, season 2

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CAAT Pension Plan

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