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EstablishedGrowing pension knowledge and sharing it.

Older woman with long blonde hair and sunglasses perched on her head looks up with a bright, laughing smile.

Our community knows we're committed to pensions for everyone

9 out of 10 members believe we're delivering on our mission to provide secure, valuable, and sustainable pensions to more Canadians.

Older man wearing a vest smiles at the camera, arms folded in a confident yet relaxed pose.

9 out of 10 members believe we're delivering on our mission to provide secure, valuable, and sustainable pensions to more Canadians.

CAAT Pension Plan Annual Survey 2023

This pension contributes to my happiness because it provides peace of mind about my future. It allows me to look forward to a different way of living. And I want other Canadians to experience that as well.” Jennifer, CAAT member, has found hope

…Because secure retirement income for life is important

Members can have comfort and certainty with:

Older woman with long wavy hair laughing and clapping.


Icon of crest with check mark inside a circle.

Secure, predictable retirement income for life

Icon of lock with check mark inside a circle.

Inflation protection enhancements

Icon of star shape inside a circle.

Survivor benefits

Icon of plant with bubbles inside a circle.

No investment decisions