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Newly enrolledBuilding a pension-secure future.

Young woman with dark curly hair looks into the distance with an optimistic smile.
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To know that one will still have an income is a major plus and there are many life occurrences where the fact that you have a pension can give one a sense of security.” Frances, CAAT member, has found optimism

Joining the Plan creates a positive perspective

Our community is in good company

94,500 members

94,500 members

370+ employers

370+ employers

20 industries

20 industries

21 unions and member associations

21 unions and member associations

Our investment strategy is in it for the long run

CAAT’s profit-for-members model and investment program is focused on generating investment returns that keep members’ pensions well-funded and granting additional benefit enhancements over the long-term.

Older couple sits together, looking peaceful and relaxed.

Commitment to Responsible Investing

Part of CAAT’s long-term approach to investing includes incorporating responsible investing factors into investment decisions. In 2023, we welcomed our first Director, Responsible Investing, to further advance our investment strategy.

Investing in Canada

Canadian holdings made up nearly 30% of Plan assets in 2023. This includes investments in equities, bonds, real estate and infrastructure assets.

Pie graph showing nearly 30% being Canadian holdings.