If you are an active member you can use our Pension Estimator, with or without your most recent annual statement, to estimate your pension at different dates.
If you are within five years of retirement, you can receive up to three pension estimates per year directly from the Plan. To do so, complete and sign the Pension Estimate Request form and fax it to us at 416-673-9028, or scan and email it to member@caatpension.ca. The form must be signed by the member requesting the estimate.
If you have a deferred pension in the Plan (you left your pension in the Plan after terminating membership) the Pension Estimator will not produce an accurate estimate for you. Please complete and sign the Pension Estimate Request form and fax it to us at 416-673-9028, or scan and email it to member@caatpension.ca. The form must be signed by the member requesting the estimate.